Thought Leadership & Blogs

Incorporating Generative AI into Cybersecurity: Opportunities, Risks, and Future Outlook

Written by Andrew Robinson | Jun 07, 2023

Key Takeaways

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new content with human-like creativity. The rise of generative AI brings both promises and concerns in various fields, including cybersecurity. Organizations adopting generative AI face different scenarios and risks, including copyright infringement and data privacy issues. Collaboration with security experts is crucial to ensure responsible use and transparency. Generative AI has the potential to enhance cybersecurity by defending against AI-driven attacks. However, proposed pauses on AI experimentation may hinder defenders' readiness. Regulatory responses should promote accountability and transparency. Striking a balance between innovation, regulation, and responsible use is essential for harnessing the full potential of generative AI.


The rise of generative AI and large-language models has brought both promises and concerns in various fields, including cybersecurity. As organizations explore the potential benefits of AI in their business models, they must also address the risks associated with deepfakes, copyright issues, and malicious uses of AI technology. This article delves into the implications of incorporating generative AI in organizations, the importance of working with security experts, and the need for responsible use and regulation. Additionally, it discusses the evolving landscape of AI applications in cybersecurity and the potential for AI-driven defense systems.


What is Generative AI?

Generative AI refers to a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new content, such as images, text, or audio, that exhibits human-like creativity and originality. Unlike traditional AI models that rely on pre-existing data for classification or prediction tasks, generative AI models generate new data based on patterns and examples they have learned from training data. These models utilize techniques like deep learning and neural networks to understand complex patterns and structures in the data, allowing them to generate new content that resembles the patterns and styles present in the training data. Generative AI has applications in various fields, including art, design, and entertainment, and it offers both promises and concerns as organizations explore its potential benefits while addressing the associated risks. 


Incorporating Generative AI: Different Scenarios and Risks

Organizations are adopting generative AI in two distinct ways, each with its own risk profile and treatment strategies. The first approach involves leveraging publicly accessible tools, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, for various business activities. However, this approach raises concerns about copyright infringement, intellectual property protection, data privacy and vulnerabilities associated with new tools. Some organizations choose to ban the use of such tools, while others provide clear guidelines on their usage.

The second approach entails procuring open-source models and refining them within the organization for specific purposes, often involving customer data or proprietary information. In this case, organizations bear the responsibility of protecting the data, the model, and the underlying infrastructure, in addition to managing input and output. Safeguarding an organization's machine learning apparatus requires a comprehensive understanding of the technology, conducting risk assessments, and implementing security measures tailored to AI-specific threats like poisoning and hallucinations.


Collaborating with Security Experts for Responsible Use

There needs to be a strong emphasis on partnering with security professionals when embarking on generative AI initiatives. Cybersecurity professionals possess the necessary knowledge to conduct risk assessments, develop threat models, understand potential impacts, and implement countermeasures. Furthermore, promoting the responsible use of generative AI through transparency is essential. Encouraging vendors and companies to adopt trustworthy practices and disclose their approach to the technology enhances awareness and ensures more accountable decision-making.


The Risks and Benefits of Generative AI in Cybersecurity

Generative AI and large-language models have found applications in the cybersecurity market to defend against adversarial uses of AI technology. These AI-driven systems can enhance traditional cybersecurity products, such as endpoint security, network security, and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). AI and ML enable faster threat detection, analysis of network flows, improved prioritization, and predictive risk analytics in the Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) domain. By combining AI and ML capabilities, defenders aim to shift the balance in their favour and strengthen cybersecurity measures.


The Proposed Pause on 'Giant AI Experiments': A Cybersecurity Perspective

Calls for a pause in 'giant AI experiments,' as suggested by the Future of Life Institute, may have unintended consequences for cybersecurity. Implementing such a pause would primarily affect ethical actors, while malicious actors would continue exploiting AI for their own purposes. With the increasing threat of AI-driven phishing campaigns and polymorphic malware, it is crucial to deploy AI in defence. AI-based systems can detect AI-generated attacks and anomalies in network behaviour and enable swift response. Any time spent on pause will hinder preparedness for the impending wave of AI-driven threats, leaving defenders ill-equipped to mitigate risks and prevent breaches.


Regulatory Responses and the Need for Transparency

Regulators adopt different strategies in response to the risks posed by AI applications. In low-risk scenarios, self-assessment is often permitted, allowing organizations to manage risks internally and foster innovation. Conversely, high-risk scenarios involving AI control over physical elements could warrant bans or at least external assurance. However, the middle zone, where AI impacts privacy and trustworthiness, lacks clear standards. Regulators should encourage or mandate external audits and transparency measures even in medium-risk scenarios to ensure accountability and assurance that the measures taken are commensurate with the way outputs are relied upon.



As organizations navigate the incorporation of generative AI into their business models, they must carefully consider the risks and benefits associated with this technology. Engaging with security professionals, promoting responsible use, and adopting tailored security measures are crucial steps. AI-driven defense systems offer enhanced capabilities to detect and mitigate AI-driven attacks, bolstering cybersecurity efforts. However, any proposed pause on AI experimentation should be critically evaluated, as it may hamper defenders' readiness to counter evolving cyber threats effectively. Striking a balance between innovation, regulation, and responsible use will be essential for harnessing the full potential of generative AI across industries.